Multi-disciplinary team
A group of specialists working with you and your care network to ensure a holistic and responsive approach to your needs and also your ambitions in life in a timely and realistic way
Our Multi-disciplinary team of specialists are here to support you to achieve the best possible outcomes and reach your potential through listening, providing advice and guidance, and training your support teams and others involved to put in to practice, key strategies, advice and evidence based approaches.
Our regular MDT meetings involve you as the person, the families and support team that you consent to being involved, and key support staff and professionals. This approach enables opportunity for personal development and increasing knowledge, support and skills with your support teams, ensuring a streamlined, holistic and person centred approach.
With Psychiatric input, we are able to increase the specialist review of treatment pathways, which include diagnosis, prescribing and further assessment with a number of other key professionals reviewing the same areas from their own respective roles to ensure a holistic approach.
With our Psychologist input, we add further depth to understanding and attributing problems that you may be facing, to emotions, behaviours, offending, drugs/alcohol, trauma, all with the aim to promote further psychological wellbeing.
With our Consultant nurse input, we are able to utilise knowledge of diagnosis, physical health and mental health, developmental disorders, trauma, treatment options, care pathways and safeguarding to develop strategies with the person to maintain and increase your wellbeing, improve your health outcomes, increase your understanding and promote your independence wherever possible.
With our Occupational Therapist, we can support you with assessment of your physical abilities and provide key intervention to promote independence and wellbeing. Any physical barriers will be assessed and reviewed with you against opportunities to increase re-ablement and reduction of risks posed to health deterioration. Our OT is a specialist in Sensory Integration, so they will be able to assist you with structured exposure to sensory input where this is required.
Speech and
With our SALT specialist, we are able to support you with any difficulties you may have in relation to communication, eating and drinking, and swallowing. This support is vital to ensure choice and control over your life where there are limitations to achieving this without further input.
PBS support
With our experienced Positive Behaviour support team, we are able to increase and promote the use of all the specialists involved within the MDT to put key principles of care planning in to practice and focusing on enhancing communication, training for staff and networks involved, and understanding you better. We will work hard to seek guidance from external local leads in respective fields, and are committed to working on learning and growing as a team
Access to our counsellors for personalised support and advice that is confidential to you. Our counsellors are ready to adapt their approach to ensure that the conditions of honesty are present so that you feel comfortable.
With a wealth of experience and knowledge, our MDT professionals and with input from yourself, we can develop bespoke training and learning for your support team and others involved to further develop their understanding of your wishes, views, and needs.

MDT benefits to you and your wellbeing:
"I have worked within MDT settings for a number of years now and i find the biggest benefits to a person, is the accessibility of all of that specialist support at your fingertips and when you need it without waiting times. I have also seen the benefits to support teams who get a more bespoke level of training and guidance that is beyond the training we receive as health and social care teams" - Peter Smith - Chief Operations Officer.

"MDT's are examples of robust and safe practice because specialists in their own areas of expertise collaborate together in order to provide you with high quality care so that you can achieve the best outcomes and reach your maximum potential. You are the starring role in that journey and will be given every opportunity to contribute to your health and wellbeing by attending meetings or feeding back your wishes, hopes and dreams so that we can support you with greater compassion and understanding" - Kate Golding - Consultant nurse.
Our future MDT goals
Sharing is caring
To work with partner agencies in sharing resource, promoting support for people in a time sensitive and joined up way. We are already working with another care provider to share vital resources and increase the opportunities we can offer people. We would like to expand our MDT network by close of 2024 to more external local teams.
Free support and training for families and linked networks
To ensure that you have everything you need to get to where you want to be, we need to support your close network too. By offering free services to your loved ones, friends, and other people involved, we can only improve the support for you from everyone around you. We are already offering counselling, and we are committed to offering training in early 2024 and full access to the MDT services by close of 2024.